Setup: Before Creating Content#

Fortunately and unfortunately comitting to open source projects usually requires more in-depth knowledge than just pushing some slides onto dropbox and sending a link to your students.

To replicate the showcased websites here we’ll therefore be using some tools that you might not be familliar with. The following section will illustrate exatly what we need, how to install the necessary tools and where to go for further information.

Helpful tools that are not strictly necessary but can be quite useful or make your life easier:

And if you want to provide interactive content:

Note: If the instructions aren’t working and you have spent more than 15-20 minutes troubleshooting on your own, reach out on the #help-installation channel on the Discord channel with the exact problems you’re having. One of the instructors will try and get back to you quickly to help resolve the situation. If they’re unable to help via Discord, you may be directed to attend one of the installation office hours.